Behind the Term Millennial

Written by: Elizabeth McHeffey


Google the word Millennial and you will come back with an endless flurry of articles written about “how to deal with Millennials”, “how to manage Millennials in the workplace”, or “how to interact with Millennials”. Entitled, job hoppers, self-centered, easily distracted, and need constant praise are frequent adjectives listed. So, I set out on a quest to talk to tourism and travel industry Millennials about these stereotypes and what has shaped us, while also meeting with industry leaders within the GenerationX and Baby Boomer generations to see what the generation gap looks like to them.


To start, lets define the term Millennial. According to Pew Research Center, Millennials are defined as individuals born between 1981 and 1996 – or currently ages 23 to 38. And when talking with my peers, they agreed that they don’t jump for joy over the term that blankets our generation.


Maranda Tippin with the San Diego Tourism Authority says, “There is an unfortunate negative connotation, entitlement, and all of those aspects to [the term] Millennial that I always feel that I have to overcome when people know my age. You call me a Millennial and I take it negatively.”


Kylie Leslie with Visit Phoenix is in agreeance with Maranda, saying, “I think it is an interesting term because it is one that I think can have a negative connotation because people think of Millennials of not having great communication skills, always on their phones… But it has been gotten to a point now where the term has been used so much that people are realizing that not every millennial is the same. It is also such a big age gap. We are such a diverse generation.”


Let’s first dive into what shapes a generation – a big piece of the puzzle is the influence of environmental and economic factors. And arguably the biggest environmental factor that attributes to characteristics of the Millennial generation is technology.


We are the first generation that has largely grown up with computers and cell phones. This has not only created an ease of accessibility to resources but also an emphasis on efficiencies, data collection and analysis. We have the ability to Google ‘top visited cities in the United States’ and the answer will pull up in a millisecond. No need to comb through encyclopedias for hours at the library. We use and analyze data to streamline processes and make improvements – whether it is looking at your insight statistics on your personal Instagram account or improving SEO for your company.


Kimber Tabscott with Monterey Convention and Visitors Bureau points out that, “Data is a key word for our generation. It is something that has really fueled the whole generation. Everything has research and data behind it – it’s at the tip of our fingers, we aren’t spending hours at the library reading books and finding what we need – it’s available at the snap of a finger – and of course there is a [generational] gap. That’s a huge thing, so for the generations that have not embraced that it is going to cause a fissure.”


With answers at our fingertips, we have gotten accustomed to speed, which most likely leads to the stereotype of being easily distracted and having shorter attention spans. However, the positive side to this is that multitasking comes natural to Millennials. We are the generation that can easily sit in an overcrowded coffee shop with the hum of voices and revolving door of customers’ orders being shouted, while participating on a work conference call, texting back our clients, and going through emails.


Kylie with Visit Phoenix says, “We have shorter attention spans than others because we are so used to multitasking. I think most Millennials have a good work ethic because we are so used to doing things at the same time and being pulled into different directions. And that can be a strength for a lot of us because we don’t need complete silence to focus. We are able to focus in different environments – remote places and different work hours — and that is why we are interested in flexibility in the workplace.”


We communicate and collaborate openly. We have grown up using AOL Instant Messenger, texting, Gchat, Facetime and feel completely comfortable sharing personal pictures on Facebook and Instagram – always connected to our peers. TV shows have become much more open and less censored than previous generations, as have conversations on topics such as politics, sexual orientation and inequality in the workplace.


Randi Morritt with Visit Aurora says, “We are a generation of communicators. We will tell you about our dog, share all of our personal pictures, tell you where we live — we will tell the world everything.”


From an economic perspective, Millennials are faced with a great deal of debt compared to previous generations. According to this Forbes Article, the cost for a four-year degree has doubled from 1989 to 2016, even after inflation. Further, the average annual growth in wages was only 0.3% between 1989 and 2016. Concluding that the cost to attend a university increased nearly eight times faster than wages.


While some may say that we are job-hoppers, many Millennials might say that we have to stay on the grind and are entrepreneurial-minded. Having a “side hustle” such as an Etsy Shop or selling beauty products is not out of the norm for us. Once again, emphasizing the multitasker attribute.


Gina Archuleta with Monterey Convention and Visitors Bureau points out that, “We are super scrappy. Salaries haven’t really risen over time with inflation. You can’t support a household on one income anymore — you need two incomes. It is not an option to be a stay-at-home-Mom anymore. A lot of people think that Millennials are too out there or too creative, but we have to be with so many barriers. We just have to go for it because we don’t have another choice.”


So, are the stereotypes true about Millennials? I think it depends which way you look at it. It is important to remember that although entire generations can have similar qualities due to certain environmental or economic factors, each person needs to be treated as an individual. And in talking with senior leaders in the industry, they accentuate this notion.


Margie Sitton with the San Diego Tourism Authority says, “I guess I’m pretty simplistic. We have a lot of Millennials in this [Sales] Department and I find them to be hardworking, on time, and not as whiny as everyone claims they are – so I don’t look at them as a problem. We are in a business community and have a diverse group of people – guys, gals, straight, gay, all different generations – with a commonality that they just love this industry.”


Rachel Benedick with Visit Denver shares, “If you understand what shaped a generation or what shaped the parents of a generation, then you are going to understand the products of those generations. That is what you have to do as a leader. It is my job to understand each individual person and when you figure that out, it is really empowering. You can’t manage every person the same.” She continues, “You have to invest in and understand your people.”


Bottom Line: Each generation has similar behaviors or attributes that they may share due to the factors that they have grown up with. Furthermore, all generations that are just entering the workforce may be faced with larger scrutiny and overgeneralizations than those that are established in the workforce. It is important to take note of the factors that have shaped each generation, while not painting Millennials with one brush. By doing so would encourage a disconnect rather than a collaboration, and a lack of change rather than a larger creative growth. The great news is that industry leaders that I spoke with already do view their team as individuals, encouraging diversity, development, and individuality.


So, are Millennials old news? In the coming years, the conversation will be shifting to GenerationZ.





Elizabeth McHeffey is our digital nomad. During her travels she’ll be diving into topics and trends surrounding the generations in the workforce, stopping along the way to meet with industry leaders that are making waves and reinventing how we work. What we’re calling, “The Remote Route.”


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SearchWide Global is a full-service executive search firm primarily for companies in Destination Organizations / Hotels & Resorts / Venue Management / Experiential Marketing, Tradeshow & Exhibition / Industry Associations / Sports & Entertainment. Specializing in C-Level and Director level executive searches for companies ranging in size from Fortune 500 corporations to mid-sized public and private companies and associations. Founded in 1999, SearchWide Global headquartered in St. Paul, MN, USA and operates worldwide.




Striving for an Imaginative Company Culture

Written by: Kara Ryan


Company culture is all the buzz, and for good reason. Studies show culture can make or break a company when attracting top talent, retaining the superstars, and can lead to a higher level of success versus companies without a defined culture.


If you’re striving for a company culture that sparks more creativity and imagination among your team, consider these suggestions to implement.


  1. Strive to attract and hire passionate and creative individuals that work great with others.


2. Hire a diverse slate of people from all walks of life. Diversity has been proven to foster new ideas and generate new opportunities. According to Forbes, “companies in the top quartile for gender diversity outperform their competitors by 15% and those in the top quartile for ethnic diversity outperform their competitors by 35%.”


3. Focus on empowering the entire team, not just the executive team to contribute to ideas and initiatives. Give everyone a voice. It’s been shown to attribute to higher performance ratings, lower turnover rates and leads to more initiative and innovation. Here are some ways to give everyone a voice.


Employees who feel their voice is heard are 4.6 times more likely to feel empowered to perform their best work.


4. Don’t work in silos. Break up the departments and allow individuals to work with different teams on new projects. Fresh dynamics lead to new ideas and perspectives.


5. Design an environment that inspires people. Somewhere that collaboration and innovation can thrive. Think meeting pods, gardens, treadmill desks or incorporating more natural light and plants has been said to increase productivity as well. Even flexible schedules and remote work opportunities. Anything to break outside of the traditional office or boardroom. Here are some of the most inspirational office spaces.


Motivated and happy teams lead to successful and productive companies. It’s an investment of time and energy that should be a priority for every company to stay competitive and relevant for today’s workforce.



SearchWide Global is a full-service executive search firm primarily for companies in Destination Organizations / Hotels & Resorts / Venue Management / Experiential Marketing, Tradeshow & Exhibition / Industry Associations / Sports & Entertainment. Specializing in C-Level and Director level executive searches for companies ranging in size from Fortune 500 corporations to mid-sized public and private companies and associations. Founded in 1999, SearchWide Global headquartered in St. Paul, MN, USA and operates worldwide.



How Teams Communicate in 2019 – For All Generations

Written by: Rachel Tomlin


In 2019, we are living in a world where communication and accessibility are more relevant and more important than ever.  In the workplace, teams are having to navigate not only all the different forms of communication tools that are out there, but the different types of communication styles, practices, and techniques of their peers and managers as well.


Good communication is a key factor to a team’s success whether you are working remotely or in an office environment.  This means finding the most effective ways to communicate with your team should be considered a high priority.


In the article 10+ Amazing Tools For Business Communication In 2019 the author dives into how communication for teams in the workplace is changing.


“The modern business world is evolving and so is the need of every modern workplace. With the increasing dominance of technology and automation in every industry, employees now have the freedom to stay connected to their work regardless of their actual location. Now a key effect of this modern workplace trend is that it has shown people the importance of team communication. It has made effective team communication an integral part of everything that we do.”


The focus on team communication continues to be a key factor in the workplace, and when you add in how the evolving methods of communication have now led to more questions than ever like “Can I use an emoji in that email?” Or “Should I add an exclamation mark over a period in order not to offend someone?” Or “Will this text get the same message across over a phone call?” we are now tasked with asking ourselves what the best practices are in 2019 to make sure a team is communicating effectively.


In the article 8 Simple and Effective Ways to Improve Team Communication, Mattis Le Cren, product owner at Azendo, lays out eight methods to create the best environment for your team’s communication efforts. These methods include fostering an open-door policy, encouraging two-way feedback, clearly defining roles and responsibilities, building team spirit, using time wisely, ensuring proper training, using the appropriate forms of communication, and utilizing online tools instead of having meetings.


“Communication is more than just talking face-to-face, although this form of communication should never be neglected. However, individual people and projects may dictate different types of communication. Technology plays a big part of our communication toolbox, and when used effectively, can save time and help team members work more efficiently.” Le Cren states.


He goes on to say “Normally a combination of methods works well on most projects, but the key here is how to increase the overall communication across the whole team. By implementing a few simple strategies, you should start to see an increase in team interaction.”


Identifying which of these eight areas need the most attention or may make the largest impact for your team is a good exercise to start down the track of better communication.  For example, you may find that clearly defining roles and responsibilities may organically foster better communication through feedback and ensuring proper training for the roles affected.  Training may then identify the proper tools needed to better collaborate across teams.


Katie Douthwaite, a writer for The Muse, lays out an approach in tackling the style of communication and how to be most effective in getting a message across in today’s workplace in this article.  The strategies include using statements and not questions, maintaining confidence as you speak, giving clear directives instead of suggestions, adding deadlines, and repeating your requests.  With many teams working remotely and generations sometimes feeling like they are speaking different languages to each other, these are clear and concise communication techniques that can be effective whether face-to-face or talking through email or an online messaging tool.


While we live in the ever-evolving, technology-driven world where new tools to solve our simplest problem tend to pop up every day, one thing remains clear; there will never be one answer or one tool to address communication across organizations.  People will always be different, and tasks will always require unique approaches.  As such, we will continue to rely on varying our types of communication through methods, styles, and technologies to connect with our teams in the most effective way possible.




SearchWide Global is a full-service executive search firm primarily for companies in Destination Organizations / Hotels & Resorts / Venue Management / Experiential Marketing, Tradeshow & Exhibition / Industry Associations / Sports & Entertainment. Specializing in C-Level and Director level executive searches for companies ranging in size from Fortune 500 corporations to mid-sized public and private companies and associations. Founded in 1999, SearchWide Global headquartered in St. Paul, MN, USA and operates worldwide.

Are Work Perks Enough for Top Talent?

Written by: Nicole Newman


In today’s ultra-competitive job market with a low unemployment rate and high demand for the best talent, how can companies keep the best and brightest?  Sue Shellenbarger’s Wall Street Journal article “Why Perks No Longer Cut it for Workers” from December 2018 explains how the most successful companies are doing this by providing employees with a sense of belonging.


Sue shares that the companies offering growth potential, trust, motivation and career planning are more likely to retain top talent and post higher per employee profits than companies that don’t.  Creating a cohesive work environment, promoting from within and continued training account for high employee satisfaction and lead to employee loyalty.


Sue’s article shares that; “psychological safety: the freedom from the fear of being shamed or ostracized by others for voicing criticism or tossing out a crazy idea” encourages higher employee performance by allowing team members to take risks, innovate and solve problems.


The creation of cross-discipline and multi-generational teams that foster collaboration and a free exchange of ideas can provide employees an increased sense of ownership and pride within their organization.


According to Atlassian’s article “Have tech perks gone too far?” the top six traits that make for a stand-out workplace include a sense of purpose, risk taking, rituals that drive innovation and create a culture of discovery, transparency and autonomy, flexibility and the idea of “working open.”  These cultural imperatives, not perks, are what current and potential employees are taking into account when deciding to join, stay or leave an organization.


The WSJ article was shared on LinkedIn and gained quite a few comments with people offering their opinions.  Among the many, there were comments such as “never underestimate the significance of a company’s culture” and “the most successful companies give employees a sense of belonging,” showing us that this is both a desired and important attribute for employees.


It seems as though the tech industry and large companies are paving the way when it comes to creating innovative company cultures. For the travel, tourism and hospitality industries, it is more important now than ever before to create a culture that team members can relate to and be proud of.  Community involvement, open or alternative workspaces, the inclusion of team members at all levels in idea generation, accessibility to leadership, and fostering collaboration across the organization are just a few ideas to enhance your organization’s culture.



How does a company create a culture that attracts and retains the best and brightest?



We found there are many free resources online. The recent Forbes article, “Defining Company Culture: It’s About Business Performance, Not Free Meals And Game Rooms” dives deeper into creating a desirable culture. The author, Natalie Baumgartner suggests that employee perks can often be confused with company culture, or “…being used as a Band-Aid solution to cover up a lack of defined culture.”
In fact, research shows employees value culture and career growth almost twice as much as they value compensation and benefits when selecting an employer.


Company Culture: A Complete Guide for 2019 offers specific elements to achieving a positive culture such as company values and employee engagement. It states, “To put it more simply, culture is the way things work in your company – engagement is how people feel about it.”


An astonishing 87 percent of organizations cite culture and engagement as their main challenges, according to a report by Deloitte.


While there is no “right” answer for every organization, creating an inclusive and empowering workplace culture is highly more likely to attract and retain top talent.




SearchWide Global is a full-service executive search firm primarily for companies in Destination Organizations / Hotels & Resorts / Venue Management / Experiential Marketing, Tradeshow & Exhibition / Industry Associations / Sports & Entertainment. Specializing in C-Level and Director level executive searches for companies ranging in size from Fortune 500 corporations to mid-sized public and private companies and associations. Founded in 1999, SearchWide Global headquartered in St. Paul, MN, USA and operates worldwide.

What does Generation Z in the workplace look like

Written by: Mark Gnatovic


In a recent article published by Inc., How Generation Z Will Transform the Future Workplace, author Ryan Jenkins dives into Gen Z and the changes they will bring when it comes to recruiting, training, and managing.


As a father of three “GEN Z’s” and working in a profession that attracts talented people to career opportunities, I often wonder about the “bench”. Who will be the future leaders of tomorrow? How do we motivate and inspire the next generation to contribute and add value that is unique to the traditional Boomer, X’er and Millennial?

This generation is just starting to enter the workforce, and Ryan’s article sums up the DNA of the Z’s.

He describes the first fully digital generation as saying, “technology is a must but it’s not enough…”.

Personally, I was inspired by the need of Gen Z’s to have high-touch human interaction coupled with trendy technology. Ryan hits on great points describing what makes Z’s tick and how we can create environments to inspire them to one day change the world.


Read the full article here.



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SearchWide Global is a full-service executive search firm primarily for companies in Destination Organizations / Hotels & Resorts / Venue Management / Experiential Marketing, Tradeshow & Exhibition / Industry Associations / Sports & Entertainment. Specializing in C-Level and Director level executive searches for companies ranging in size from Fortune 500 corporations to mid-sized public and private companies and associations. Founded in 1999, SearchWide Global headquartered in St. Paul, MN, USA and operates worldwide.

9 Tips You Can Use NOW to Create a Better Work-life Balance

Do you ever feel stressed, overworked, or spread too thin? You’re not alone in feeling this way. Many professionals are in your same boat and are searching for a way to be successful in all aspects of their lives.

Creating a work-life balance can definitely be a challenge at times, but by achieving a good balance in life is key to one’s happiness and overall health. Separating our professional lives from our personal lives is becoming more difficult, thanks to technology and the need for immediate communication.


At SearchWide Global we believe it needs to be a top priority, as poor work-life balance can produce high levels of stress which can lead to health issues, unhappiness and reduced production at work. Nobody wants that! 


Here are 9 tips that you can use now to create a more balanced life:

1. Rise and shine – Wake up an hour earlier.  It may be tough in the beginning but easing into your morning instead of rushing will produce a more peaceful day.  You’ll often hear this as a common denominator among CEO’s and entrepreneurs offering advice on being successful. Do whatever you want with the time, some ideas would be to; get some work done while you have uninterrupted time, have coffee in quiet, prepare a healthy meal for the day, exercise, or read.


2. Build downtime into your schedule – looking ahead, schedule time with family and friends. This way, even when work life is busy, you can manage your time around your already scheduled downtime like you would any meeting on your calendar.


3. Eliminate activities that don’t serve you– limit time wasted on social media sites, gossiping with colleagues and other mindless activities. Take stock of activities that don’t enhance your career or personal life, and reduce the time you spend on them.


4. Exercise  exercise is essential to physical and mental health. We know there are countless studies that show a direct correlation between health, productivity, and energy levels and exercise, yet it is still a challenge to squeeze it in a busy schedule. Find an exercise you enjoy and a time in the day that works for you, before work and before your household wakes, at your lunch hour, or in the evenings perhaps. Then commit to that time throughout the week.

At SearchWide Global we use FitBit’s to track activity and motivate regular exercise; this is also great for team building.


5. Meditate –  Meditation is not just for the zen, and has huge benefits when it comes to reducing stress and becoming more aware. Anyone can do it, and anyone can benefit from it. Learn to become more mindful in the present moment (even when you are a busy professional). The Headspace app offers an introduction to medication. Just use the app to walk you through it, at just 10 minutes a day.


6. Relax – take some quiet time for yourself to reflect and make time to do things you enjoy. There is an art about literally, doing nothing. That means no phone, social media, tv, etc. It’s shown to create calmness and create space in your mind for new ideas. But, if your idea of relaxing is watching some tv shows, go ahead. Just try not to fall asleep to it as research shows that can negative effects on your sleep.


7. Volunteer – Giving back and volunteering your time in your community provides stress relief and gives you a sense of accomplishment while helping others. It’s also a great way to offer your skills and learn key leadership attributes. At SearchWide Global, staff is encouraged to take one volunteer day a year during work hours. So if finding the time is an issue, talk to your boss about implementing a similar program.


8. Turn off your phone – You can’t be in 2 places at the same time.  If you’re enjoying dinner with your family yet looking down at your phone, the perception is you would rather be with your phone.  Make yourself fully available when spending quality time with family and friends.


9. Get back to nature – Evidence shows that spending time in nature can provide a restore your mental well-being, relieve stress, boost your creative juices, and more. Even though a trip to a national forest would be nice, any green space, park, community garden or similar will do.


10. Plan an annual vacation – Okay, actually it’s 10! Consider it a bonus, because this one can be life-changing on its own. Take a vacation (or vacations if possible) throughout the year. The Dalai Lama said,

“Once a year go someplace you’ve never been before”.

The memories and experiences that you gain from taking a vacation are truly priceless. If you have a hard time getting away, plan ahead. This helps you stay committed to the dates you plan to travel and gives you time to save funds for the trip.




For on-going encouragement,  a great resource is Project Time Off.

“Project: Time Off aims to shift culture so that using personal time off is not considered frivolous, but essential to strengthening families and improving personal health, a business investment with proven returns, and an economic necessity.” (


Start today by trying a few of these tips and you will begin to experience a better balance at work and home. Here’s to a more balanced you!


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SearchWide Global is a full service executive search firm primarily for companies in the travel, tourism, hospitality, convention, trade association, venue management and experiential marketing industries. We specialize in C-Level and Director level executive searches for companies ranging in size from Fortune 500 corporations to mid-sized public and private companies and associations. Headquartered in St. Paul, MN, USA and several regional offices, we’re able to serve clients and candidates nationwide. Founded in 1999, we have remained focused on our four core values for almost two decades: INTEGRITY, ETHICS, PASSION and RESPECT.