Why Creating a Diverse Workplace Will Help Companies Thrive

Written by: Kellie Henderson


It’s important to understand why a diverse workplace will impact your bottom line and, why the diversity discussion is at the forefront of recruiting. The hospitality/tourism industry is a melting pot of people working in destination management, lodging, restaurants, attractions, events, transportation and other fields that serve a wide and culturally diverse population of visitors and travelers.


Our global industry creates opportunities for people from all walks of life and workplace diversity offers personnel an opportunity to better understand and appreciate different cultural backgrounds and lifestyles.  A diverse workforce also creates a positive image for businesses and shows they are inclusive and offer equal employment opportunities. As we seek to recruit top talent, diversity is a top priority.  Not only for SearchWide Global, but also the companies we serve.


Organizations with a diverse staff are more creative, innovative, retain staff longer and companies earn more money by capturing greater market share by marketing to a wide range of consumers; races, ethnicities, genders, ages, religions, disabilities, and sexual orientations. Diversity of thought, skillset, experiences, and education also round out a workforce.


A 2015 study from Bersin by Deloitte, showed that diverse companies had 2.3 times higher cash flow per employee over a three-year period than non-diverse companies did.


According to Forbes, “companies in the top quartile for gender diversity outperform their competitors by 15% and those in the top quartile for ethnic diversity outperform their competitors by 35%.”


Gallup studied 800 business units from the retail and hospitality industries in 2014. They found that gender-diverse business units had better financial outcomes, including revenue and net profit, than those dominated by one gender. Financial performance was dramatically better for gender-diverse business units that were also highly engaged.



Below are a few ways to create a diverse workforce:


  • Make diversity a part of your brand and company culture – It’s important to show that your company is one that respects and embraces differences, and is welcoming to everyone.


  • Provide diversity training in your workplace for employees to fully understand the benefits of a diverse workplace. Training people at all levels on topics like unconscious bias.


  • Be open to accommodating cultural and religious holidays and diversity-friendly apparel choices.


  • Diversify the boardroom in order to leverage your company’s full potential. According to Pew Research, by 2050 there will be no racial or ethnic majority in the United States, and our nation’s boardrooms need to represent these changing demographics.


  • MSCI Inc. studied the financial performance of U.S. companies from 2011-2016 and found that those with at least three women on the board had median gains in return on equity 11% higher, and earnings per share 45% higher, than companies with no women directors.


  • Create an inclusive environment – teamwork and collaboration and a work environment of trust and involvement. Diverse and inclusive teams have been shown to help employees feel more engaged. Read more.


  • According to studies cited by Scientific American, organizations with inclusive cultures have greater innovation, creativity, and bottom line results.


  • Make representation of diversity at all levels of your organization a priority.



There’s a huge benefit to bringing people together from a variety of backgrounds, cultures, lifestyles and belief systems.  Not only will this create a well-rounded and inclusive workforce, but it will also bring creativity, different perspectives, and new thought processes, which will impact your bottom line, improve efficiencies, land more customers, and you’ll be giving yourself one of today’s biggest competitive advantages.





SearchWide Global is a full-service executive search firm primarily for companies in Destination Organizations / Hotels & Resorts / Venue Management / Experiential Marketing, Tradeshow & Exhibition / Industry Associations / Sports & Entertainment. Specializing in C-Level and Director level executive searches for companies ranging in size from Fortune 500 corporations to mid-sized public and private companies and associations. Founded in 1999, SearchWide Global headquartered in St. Paul, MN, USA and operates worldwide.

What does Generation Z in the workplace look like

Written by: Mark Gnatovic


In a recent article published by Inc., How Generation Z Will Transform the Future Workplace, author Ryan Jenkins dives into Gen Z and the changes they will bring when it comes to recruiting, training, and managing.


As a father of three “GEN Z’s” and working in a profession that attracts talented people to career opportunities, I often wonder about the “bench”. Who will be the future leaders of tomorrow? How do we motivate and inspire the next generation to contribute and add value that is unique to the traditional Boomer, X’er and Millennial?

This generation is just starting to enter the workforce, and Ryan’s article sums up the DNA of the Z’s.

He describes the first fully digital generation as saying, “technology is a must but it’s not enough…”.

Personally, I was inspired by the need of Gen Z’s to have high-touch human interaction coupled with trendy technology. Ryan hits on great points describing what makes Z’s tick and how we can create environments to inspire them to one day change the world.


Read the full article here.



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SearchWide Global is a full-service executive search firm primarily for companies in Destination Organizations / Hotels & Resorts / Venue Management / Experiential Marketing, Tradeshow & Exhibition / Industry Associations / Sports & Entertainment. Specializing in C-Level and Director level executive searches for companies ranging in size from Fortune 500 corporations to mid-sized public and private companies and associations. Founded in 1999, SearchWide Global headquartered in St. Paul, MN, USA and operates worldwide.

Ways A.I. is Changing Business

Written by: Mike Gamble


If you missed the November 2018 article on Fortune, 25 Ways A.I. is Changing Business, the piece features a video that provides very interesting high-level discussion and is only 12 minutes long. It’s well worth the read/watch!


I was of course drawn to the sections that focused on talent acquisition and evaluating human behavior (excerpts below). The travel/tourism/hospitality, and events industry will be able to learn a great deal from other business sectors already experimenting with artificial intelligence (AI) but the application will likely be a bit different. We currently use some of the best personality profile tools that have been staples for many years, but our clients want us to get to the core of a candidate’s Emotional Intelligence (EI). As described by Genos, EI is a set of skills that helps us better perceive, understand and manage emotions in ourselves and others. These skills are as equally important as your IQ in determining success at work and in life.


Here’s to a successful 2019!


Hiring Smarter


A version of this article appears in the November 1, 2018 issue of Fortune as part of the article, ’25 Ways A.I. Is Changing Business.’


The hiring process is fraught with challenges. Humans may be subtly or unconsciously swayed by a last name, a college, even the font size of a résumé. Now some companies are seeing if A.I. can help.


Applicants at Vodafone, Nielsen, and Unilever, for example, play a smartphone game designed by A.I. startup Pymetrics that measures cognitive and emotional traits with an algorithm designed to avoid racial, gender, or other bias. Unilever then asks top candidates selected by the software to record a video on HireVue, answering questions about how they would handle various situations encountered on the job. Another algorithm sifts the best candidates by reviewing not just what the individuals said but also how quickly they responded and what emotional cues they revealed in their facial expressions. Those candidates who pass the early tests are rewarded with regular job interviews with a live person.


Unilever says that since it instituted the system it’s getting a higher rate of acceptances when it offers a job, and has increased applicant numbers across several diversity measures, including race, ethnicity, and socioeconomic status—and that it’s drawing from a more diverse pool at three times as many colleges and universities. —Aaron Pressman


20% Percentage of people who want their voice assistants to help them be “funnier or more attractive,” according to a study by Computerlove in the U.K.


Building The Ultimate Manager


Judgement of human behavior was once reserved for, well, humans. But increasingly, algorithms are the ones evaluating and drawing conclusions on our actions and even intentions. That’s especially true in the workplace, where HR departments are turning to A.I. for more scalable (and hopefully, more reliable) insights into possible attrition risks, attributes of high performers, and what makes teams tick. Boston-based Humanyze is experimenting with smart ID badges that track how employees interact with each other throughout the day, enabling employers to look for patterns to figure out how work actually gets done.


Textio, a Seattle startup, uses A.I. to help companies craft the right recruiting ads (the “augmented writing platform” is particularly effective at surfacing language that will attract more diverse candidates). Big companies are getting in on H-less HR too: Intel is looking at using artificial intelligence to power a new internal tool that would match employees to other opportunities within the company, all in the name of retention.


These new capabilities could help companies attract and retain the talent they need (and cut down on on-boarding and recruiting costs by automating these processes). One possible downside? They also risk alienating the very people they claim to serve—employees might not like the increasingly intrusive workplace of tomorrow. —Michal Lev-Ram


A version of this article appears in the November 1, 2018 issue of Fortune as part of the article, ’25 Ways A.I. Is Changing Business.’



About SearchWide Global

SearchWide Global is a full-service executive search firm primarily for companies in Destination Organizations / Hotels & Resorts / Venue Management / Experiential Marketing, Tradeshow & Exhibition / Industry Associations / Sports & Entertainment. Specializing in C-Level and Director level executive searches for companies ranging in size from Fortune 500 corporations to mid-sized public and private companies and associations. Founded in 1999, SearchWide Global headquartered in St. Paul, MN, USA and operates worldwide.

SearchWide Global Partners with R4 Communications Strategies, Inc.

Adds Strategic Communications to Suite of Services for Executive Searches


Mike Gamble, CEO of SearchWide Global announced a partnership with Chicago-based R4 Communications Strategies, Inc., a boutique strategic communications firm specializing in the travel and tourism industry. This new alliance provides SearchWide Global clients with the opportunity to engage a proven industry leader for a variety of communications strategies, including media relations, advocacy and crisis management support, especially during times of executive transition.


R4 Communications Strategies, Inc. is owned by Meghan Risch, a communications strategist with more than 25 years in the hospitality, economic development, and travel and tourism industries.  She launched R4 in April 2016 after leading the public relations and corporate communications teams at Choose Chicago, Chicago’s destination marketing organization (DMO), for 12 years.


“There are very few communications strategists who are well versed in the DMO industry. Meghan has the experience and the measurable results we are confident our clients are seeking,” said Gamble.  “In many cases, searches are confidential and the Board of Directors may not be in a position to rely upon the internal communications team.  As a result, R4 is a solid and respected resource for our clients as we work to maintain confidentiality during the change of leadership within an organization.”


Earlier this year, SearchWide Global and R4 collaborated to support Puerto Rico’s first privatized DMO, Discover Puerto Rico. R4 developed and implemented a multi-tiered external communications plan to inform stakeholders, including media and customers on the mainland, how the creation of the newly established DMO would positively impact the Island’s economic growth through business and leisure visitation.  Additionally, R4 worked with Discover Puerto Rico to officially unveil the DMO’s new name at Destination International’s Annual Convention in Anaheim.


“It is an honor and a privilege to work with Mike and his team to support an industry that I am so fortunate to be part of,” said Risch.  “R4 is committed to delivering effective and transparent communications strategies to help elevate brand image and reputation for destinations and their respective communities.”

Gamble added, “We believe the time is right to offer a strategic communications component that ensures confidentiality, allows for a smooth transition and conveys appropriate messaging for our client’s goals and objectives.”


R4 currently works with Destinations International, Discover Puerto Rico and DuPage Convention & Visitors Bureau.  In 2016, R4 collaborated with Discover PHL on its bid to host the 2017 NFL Draft, an event which it successfully hosted with record-setting attendance.

# # #




Kara Ryan

SearchWide Global




Meghan Risch

R4 Communications Strategies, Inc.




About SearchWide Global

SearchWide Global is a full-service executive search firm primarily for companies in Destination Organizations / Hotels & Resorts / Venue Management / Experiential Marketing, Tradeshow & Exhibition / Industry Associations / Sports & Entertainment. Specializing in C-Level and Director level executive searches for companies ranging in size from Fortune 500 corporations to mid-sized public and private companies and associations. Founded in 1999, SearchWide Global headquartered in St. Paul, MN, USA and operates worldwide.  Visit SearchWideGlobal.com for more information.


About R4 Communications Strategies, Inc.

R4 Communications Strategies, Inc. is a boutique strategic communications firm specializing in the travel and tourism industry.  The team develops effective and transparent communications strategies that ultimately build connections and resonate with the stakeholders who matter most to an organization. R4 not only represents the four Rs associated with strategic communications – Relevance, Reputation, Respect and Results, it’s also an homage to what keeps our founder Meghan Risch grounded – her family of four.  Visit r4commstrategies.com for more information.




How to Stay Healthy During the Holiday Season

Written by: Kara Ryan


Winter is coming! With the colder weather comes those festive holiday snacks that contribute to us packing on a few pounds. Those sneaky calories leave us feeling sluggish going into the new-year. This is the time of year where baked goods and sweets are abundant at the office, at home, and while traveling.


Is there a way to stay healthy during the holidays and avoid the bulge? Instead of making a New Year’s resolution (yet again) to exercise more, eat healthier, and lose weight.


Here are some tried and true tips to stay healthy during the holiday season.


Lemon Water in the Morning

As soon as you wake, pour yourself an 8-16 oz. glass of water and squeeze half a lemon in it. If you’re traveling and don’t have easy access to lemon, that’s okay, a large glass of water in the morning brings benefits. Drink your morning water hot, room temperature, or cold; whatever you prefer.


The morning glass of water rehydrates you from the night before, kick starts your digestive system for the day, and the lemon offers vitamins and minerals that have been proven to help lose weight and decrease appetite.  Lemons are packed full of vitamin C, beneficial for your immune system during cold and flu season. Make sure you drink all of your water before your morning cup of joe or breakfast.


Read more benefits of drinking lemon water here.


Snack Throughout the Day

Snacking helps you to not over-indulge on unhealthy foods, which we tend to do when we are hungry. Keep fresh fruit on hand, perhaps apples and bananas. They go great with a small portion of peanut butter and take little preparation. Trail mix is another great snack option, but watch out, it can pack those sneaky calories (definitely read the label). You can easily make your own trail mix from raw or roasted nuts and some dried fruit that doesn’t contain added sugars. Carrots, cucumbers, cherry tomatoes, and celery are easy and a pair partner with hummus. Energy bites take a bit of preparation, but store nicely in the freezer. Here are eight variations to make.


Track Your Sweets

What would the holidays be if you couldn’t have seasonal baked goods or fancy flavored lattes? If you have that willpower, go you! If not, allow yourself a limited number of sweets treats or cheats a week. Keep track of them so you don’t go over your weekly limit and watch overindulging.


Keep on Moving

If you currently have an exercise program, stick to it and if you don’t yet have a plan, get one going! Some people prefer going to the gym when it starts getting too cold outside. There are plenty of fitness studios or classes offered at most gyms. Give one a try! Most studios offer your first class free. Spin class is fantastic cardio, yoga is great for strengthening and flexibility, barre is a low impact exercise that helps tone the whole body. All exercise is proven to reduce stress and increase energy! While traveling, there are a variety of apps that offer “no equipment needed” exercises and some hotels are offering unique fitness offerings and clothing rentals. Make sure to ask and give it a try.


Make it a Group Effort

It’s lonely being healthy and feeling great all by yourself. Enlist some of your coworkers, friend, and family to join you this holiday season in staying healthy. It’s great to share a healthy meal or go get a salad with a coworker during the week to stay on track. Friends make awesome workout buddies and will love checking out that spin class with you. Your family will love trying some healthier recipes together over the holiday season.


Take Time Off

We know being healthy isn’t all about eating right and exercising. Taking time out for you is beneficial for your health as well. Project Time Off says that people who take time off work are more productive, positive, have improved mental and physical health, and overall are happier. So use your time off, spend it with your loved ones and dedicate time doing what you love.



This is one of the hardest things to do in the always-connected world we live in today. Maybe a nature hike, a good book, or a scenic drive does the trick for you to fully unplug. It doesn’t have to be a huge effort, simply being mindful to enjoy your cup of coffee with two hands without scrolling through your phone will do wonders for you. The Calm app can help you create a habit of being more mindful with daily meditations, calming music, and sleep stories.


Unplug, recharge, and go into 2019 a happier, healthier, you.



READ MORE: On Work-Life Balance



SearchWide Global is a full service executive search firm primarily for companies in Destination Organizations / Hotels & Resorts / Venue Management / Experiential Marketing, Tradeshow & Exhibition / Industry Associations / Sports & Entertainment. Specializing in C-Level and Director level executive searches for companies ranging in size from Fortune 500 corporations to mid-sized public and private companies and associations. Founded in 1999, SearchWide Global headquartered in St. Paul, MN, USA and operates worldwide.

IAVM 30|UNDER|30 Nominations Now Being Accepted

The venue industry’s future success will be a direct result of the retention and development of our young professionals.


Six or seven years ago, we approached IAVM about developing a 30|UNDER|30 program. We felt that with the support of the IAVM Foundation, SearchWide Global, Ungerboeck and plenty of volunteers, we had the opportunity to build for the future. The program is designed to engage the best and brightest young professionals and expose them to the industry at a level they could not achieve from the 4-walls of their venue.


The program selection process is not easy. Those that earn the right to be recognized, truly earn the right. It’s inspiring and gratifying to see how creative and passionate these young professionals are. It is fascinating to watch them as they develop into the future leaders of the venue industry.


Now, headed into its fifth year, SearchWide Global is still thrilled to sponsor such a remarkable program. We encourage industry leaders to nominate a diverse slate of applicants with great leadership potential. Anyone can be recognized but this program recognizes the very best young professionals under 30. We ask that current leaders from any venue type, shape or size, take the time to recognize those that have made you look good over-and-over again. Not only does the program bring incredible value to our industry, but it brings unlimited opportunity to shape the future.


The IAVM Foundations 30|UNDER|30 program is simply investing in the future. How have you invested? Who have you nominated?


[mkdf_button size=”large” type=”” text=”Nominate now!” custom_class=”” icon_pack=”font_awesome” fa_icon=”” link=”https://iavm.formstack.com/forms/iavm__30under30_nomination” target=”_blank” color=”” hover_color=”” background_color=”” hover_background_color=”” border_color=”” hover_border_color=”” font_size=”” font_weight=”” margin=””]


Mark Gnatovic
Executive Vice President
SearchWide Global


SearchWide Global is a full service executive search firm primarily for companies in Destination Organizations / Hotels & Resorts / Venue Management / Experiential Marketing, Tradeshow & Exhibition / Industry Associations / Sports & Entertainment. Specializing in C-Level and Director level executive searches for companies ranging in size from Fortune 500 corporations to mid-sized public and private companies and associations. Founded in 1999, SearchWide Global headquartered in St. Paul, MN, USA and operates worldwide.

Team Building During the Holiday Season (5 Easy Ways)

As we entrench ourselves in the holiday season, and the close of yet another year approaches, many of us seek ways to build a stronger bond with those wonderful people we spend so much time away from our families with our “work family,” aka our co-workers. What better way to build comradery within your team than to celebrate the season by giving back to your local community.


Here are a few team building ideas that will benefit those who are less fortunate.



1. Volunteer at a local cause.

A useful resource for finding a non-profit to volunteer at near you is, VolunteerMatchThe website helps narrow down a list non-profits in need of volunteers based on location, interest, and has a sort filter that also allows you to specify organizations that accept groups to volunteer together. That is a great way to find something your whole team is passionate about. 


Feed My Starving Children, for example, has a group volunteer program. The non-profit organization is committed to feeding hungry children across the globe. FMSC has (7) permanent packing facilities in IL, MN, and AZ with MobilePack Events scheduled in each state.  In a span of as little as 2 hours, your team can make a difference and pack meals for starving children.


feed the starving children




2. Collect, prepare and distribute bags of “essentials” to those less fortunate in your area.

Items such as socks, soap, hand sanitizer wipes, toothbrushes, toothpaste, deodorant, shampoo, conditioner, body wash, mouthwash, floss, cup of noodles, bottles of water, lotion, sunscreen, energy bars, snack items can be purchased or donated, assembled into bags and hand-delivered to those in need.


Blessing-Bags-for the Homeless




3. Plan a contest.

Whether you are collecting blankets, socks, toys, canned food or money, decide on a worthwhile item that your team is passionate about. Let each department race to collect, purchase and donate the most items, including a status meter so everyone can see the progress. At the end of the contest, deliver your items to a local shelter, hospital or food bank for distribution. You can find a list of where to donate here.


The Boys and Girls Clubs of America opens doors to youth to offer them a great future. Your team can volunteer with them, adopt-a-family or collect gifts for the kids. You can find your local Boys and Girls Clubs here. 



4. Adopt-a-family or child in your area for the holidays.

Provide food, clothing, gifts and holiday decorations for a family in need in your area. Visit Salvationarmy.org or call your local Salvation Army for information on their adopt-a-family and Christmas angel programs.





5. As a team, make hand-made Christmas and holiday cards.

They can be delivered to your local children’s hospital or mail to our military personnel serving overseas. You can find more information on how to do that with the Red Cross Holiday Mail for Heroes.


hand-made Christmas cards



No matter which route you take, deciding as a team to give back and help those less fortunate, especially during the holiday season, builds bonds within your team and within yourself that will benefit each member in ways that fill the heart and spirit.


Happy Holidays from the SearchWide Global team!





SearchWide Global is a full service executive search firm, placing hundreds of executives, primarily for companies in the travel, tourism, hospitality, convention, trade association, venue management and experiential marketing industries. Specializing in C-Level and Director level executive searches for companies ranging in size from Fortune 500 corporations to mid-sized public and private companies and associations. Headquartered in St. Paul, MN, USA and with several regional offices, SearchWide Global is able to serve clients and candidates nationwide. Founded in 1999, they have remained focused on four core values for almost two decades: INTEGRITY, ETHICS, PASSION and RESPECT.

Superfood Recipes for a Healthier You

Whether you are striving to become a healthier version of yourself, or maintaining good health, these recipes are fantastic to have on hand. They are full of nutrients for your body,  taste delicious, and easy to make. Feel free to modify ingredients due to preferences or allergies.


At SearchWide Global, our staff is dedicated to creating a healthy lifestyle for ourselves at home, in the office, and while traveling. We’ve founded the Take Carra (Yourself) program in honor of our friend and colleague, Jim Carra. Not only do we believe in it, but we believe there is a need for it within our industry. Many professionals we work with as clients and candidates struggle with health and wellness due to demands of the job, such as; traveling, working long hours, attending networking events, and so on. We want to support and encourage everyone we work with to “Take Carra” themselves.


So please, enjoy these recipes and feel free to print them, share them, gift them, or save them to your phone.


A healthy choice a day leads to creating healthy habits.




SearchWide Global is a full service executive search firm primarily for companies in Destination Organizations / Hotels & Resorts / Venue Management / Experiential Marketing, Tradeshow & Exhibition / Industry Associations / Sports & Entertainment. Specializing in C-Level and Director level executive searches for companies ranging in size from Fortune 500 corporations to mid-sized public and private companies and associations. Founded in 1999, SearchWide Global headquartered in St. Paul, MN, USA and operates worldwide.

SearchWide Global Promotes Two Industry Leaders

(ST. PAUL) – SearchWide Global, an executive search and recruitment firm in the travel, tourism, venue management, experiential marketing, tradeshow and exhibition, sports, and entertainment industry announces the promotion of Mark Gnatovic to Executive Vice President and Kellie Henderson as Senior Vice President. Both joined SearchWide Global in 2006.


Gnatovic will continue to lead the venue management, experiential marketing, and tradeshow and exhibition practices and take a leadership role in sports and entertainment. He will also continue to play an important role in the areas of training and mentoring within the organization. Prior to SearchWide Global, Gnatovic spent 15 years in the hotel and convention industry and currently serves as a Board of Trustee for the International Association of Venue Managers (IAVM).


Henderson will continue to be a leader within the destination organization search segment and will elevate her focus on diversity and inclusion for all of the industries SearchWide Global serves. She will also continue to play an important role in the areas of training and mentoring with Connect (SearchWide Global’s mid-level management search service) and the research department. Prior to SearchWide Global, Henderson worked within the DMO and hotel industries and is actively involved with Professional Convention Management Association (PCMA) and the National Coalition of Black Meeting Planners (NCBMP).



“The passion, commitment and leadership that they bring to SearchWide Global is invaluable,” said Mike Gamble, President and CEO, SearchWide Global. “Mark and Kellie both exhibit unselfish servant leadership qualities and consistently put the company, our clients and candidates before their own self interests.”



SearchWide Global is a full service executive search firm primarily for companies in Destination Organizations / Hotels & Resorts / Venue Management / Experiential Marketing, Tradeshow & Exhibition / Industry Associations / Sports & Entertainment. Specializing in C-Level and Director level executive searches for companies ranging in size from Fortune 500 corporations to mid-sized public and private companies and associations. Founded in 1999, SearchWide Global headquartered in St. Paul, MN, USA and operates worldwide.

Searchwide Rebrands to “Searchwide Global”

(ST. PAUL) – SearchWide, an executive search and recruitment firm that has primarily worked in the travel, tourism, hospitality, sports, and entertainment industry for nearly two decades has rebranded which included renaming the organization, “SearchWide Global.”


In rebranding, SearchWide Global had a clear vision of where the company is headed. Expanding their services internationally was the priority; followed by the need to create a parent company for SearchWide Connect (a mid-level management service), Take Carra (a health and wellness program) and future initiatives. The organization felt their logo and visual identity should be updated to better represent who they are and what they stand for.


In recent months the organization has done extensive search work in Columbia, Canada, and the Caribbean; bringing them to the decision to officially offer their services on a global scale.


“Our clients have wanted us to provide our services outside of the US for quite some time,” stated Mike Gamble, President and CEO, SearchWide Global. “Since we are a united brand and all work from the same database, we also think that there is a great opportunity to move talent between continents.”


Just following their announcement to offer a mid-level management recruitment service (SearchWide Connect), they relocated their headquarters to meet the demands of their growing team and have immediate plans to open offices in London and the Middle East.





SearchWide Global is a full service executive search firm primarily for companies in Destination Organizations / Hotels & Resorts / Venue Management / Experiential Marketing, Tradeshow & Exhibition / Industry Associations / Sports & Entertainment. Specializing in C-Level and Director level executive searches for companies ranging in size from Fortune 500 corporations to mid-sized public and private companies and associations. Founded in 1999, SearchWide Global headquartered in St. Paul, MN, USA and operates worldwide.








680 Commerce Drive, Suite #220, St. Paul, MN 55125

P: (651) 275-1370




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